Digital Transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new – or modify existing – business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation. It transcends traditional roles like sales, marketing, and customer service. Instead, digital transformation begins and ends with how you think about, and engage with, customers.
In Digital Maturity program includes a series of topics:
● Assessing Digital Maturity – Understanding and assessing your As-Is
● Mastering Digital Transformation – Foundation + Advanced 1
● Exploring AI and Machine Learning – Advanced 2
While ‘innovation’ seems a necessity for modern organizations, a customized definition of this idea is necessary – it can mean different things to different organizations and people.
Additionally it can mean different things for different departments, functions, teams – and clients and customers as well.
This multi-session program identifies the unique contributions of each function and brings them together in a cohesive manner using tools of Applied Improvisation, NLP, and Non-Violent Communication.
The result will be a process of collaborative ideation and innovation, designed by your team for your organizations unique challenges, and easy to replicate and transfer to stakeholders and teams.
“Be Creative!” , “We need innovation!”, “Think outside of the box!”, Sound familiar? Then what is the box, and how do we think outside it?
The box is a metaphor for the invisible boundaries our thinking creates to make sense of the world, to keep us safe and help us succeed.
In VUCA times, our old box may not support us to have continuous success. Our constantly changing world needs us to think outside of the box to build new action plant to adapt to the changes and to achieve new levels of success.
The Box program can be customized to your specific business needs, such as new product ideation process, updating company business process and innovating sales strategy
People often think of change as a linear process with a beginning, hard work in the middle, and then hopefully a successful conclusion.
Clockwise™ is a creative innovation model that puts the various milestones, enablers and activities necessary to innovate in an active cyclical format.
This process focuses on the iterative nature of innovation and the necessity of not just delivering results but sharing the learnings with others to improve our organization’s innovation capacity.
Design thinking is a process for creative problem solving with a human centered core. It encourages organizations to focus on the people their solutions are created for, which leads to better products, services, systems that really delight the people that use them.
It includes five main stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test. Running the process helps organizations drive user-centric innovation forwards
Lego Workshops are customized programs that use the Lego system as a vehicle, designing a process based on the real-world needs of the customer.
By guiding customers towards sincere dialogue and brainstorming based on the actual situation, participants find solutions that meet their own needs.
One of the key features is that customer experience is extremely important, and all trainees should be extremely engaged. The Lego system has a highly flexible, customized design to meet the different needs of each industry and client.
With the help of Lego‘s separation of psychological defense mechanism, it promotes sincere, heartfelt dialogue.
This course proves that Creative Thinking can be learned.
Simple techniques can rewire the brain and miraculously make the impossible possible.
This course aims to quickly teach the techniques, which can then be applied immediately to real life problems or creative challenges.
All four modules in this program are based on ClarkMorgan’s TAPE methodology, ensuring trainees practice the techniques and are evaluated by the trainer before moving to the next skill.