With business moving at a blistering pace, there’s more pressure than ever for leaders to be effective at leading successful teams. But often, they don’t have the skills to be the agile, adaptive leaders they need to be and struggle building meaningful connections with their people to drive results.
It’s not for lack of trying or wanting to be great leaders. Research has shown that most leaders use one leadership style—so they don’t know how to unleash the potential of their people.
They need to learn how to lead situationally.
Blanchard’s SLII® empowers leaders to become adaptive—a requirement for our uncertain times. Backed by 40 years of research and an unmatched track record of results, The SLII Experience™ teaches your leaders how to lead situationally by giving their people the right support or direction at the right time.
SLII enables leaders to build deeper relationships—with their work, their company, and their colleagues—making every day more inspiring, motivating, and meaningful.
Today, it is not uncommon to find a project that is run by a team consisting of members from different departments.
The success of these multi-functional projects are often dependent on the amount of support the members of the team receive from their ‘home’ departments.
This support often is not mandatory, nor under the authority of the management of the project.
Leading and Influence without authority therefore becomes a critical skillset to achieve a positive project outcome.
By exploring the principles of influence and understanding how they work, leaders of these large-scope teams can build better working relationships, gain more influencing power and use different resources and techniques to persuade and lead others.
Strategic Thinking & Planning course aims to provide valuable tools for staff of your organisation.
Beginning with effective planning and adding in three effective analysis tools you are sure to maximise your results with this course.
Leaders need to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit to reach and maintain optimal effectiveness.
The reason the topic of “resilience” is trending throughout the world’s top organizations is because these companies have realized just how deeply it can affect performance and the bottom line.
In this course, Participants learn how resilience relates to physical, mental, and emotional fitness, and encounter the Fit to Lead model for self-optimization as well as the core principles (system, mindset and vision).
Change is difficult and painful for organizations and the people within them, and Agents of Change seek opportunities within transitions that result in innovation and growth.
With levels of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity that could not have been foreseen.
Mindsets can begin to shift downward – instead of seeking how to thrive, people seek to SURVIVE.
Embracing & Leading Change:
A Mindset Shift for Leveraging (and Leading) Change
EMBRACING THE CHANGE 1-day program for teams facing Change
Change is the only Constant in this VUCA world. Although it seems natural for people to be resistant to change, in fact the adaptability of the human brain has allowed our species to leverage change to be in control of our world.
Through tools from Applied Improvisation, NLP, and the SCARF model of interpersonal dynamics; the ClarkMorgan consultant helps guide towards shifting mindsets to first accept then seek opportunity in change. With this outlook, a team can better define the change, identify issues and opportunities, develop tools for maximizing positive outcomes, and create a more fertile environment for innovating in the change.
EMBRACING AND LEADING THE CHANGE 2- day program for Leadership Teams facing Organizational Change
For Leaders, encouraging a mindset shift and defining issues in the change are only the first steps.
Empathic communication and authorship of the Change are essential to maintain the positive mindset, as well as lead and motivate teams towards optimizing the change. By developing Non-Violent and empathic communication habits, leaders will empower team members with choice and authorship for more meaningful growth from the change.
Building on the tools in the 1 day program, this workshop dives deeper to prioritize and delegate issues in the change, and lead and motivate the team towards optimizing the change.
Self-awareness is the ability to reflect on and accurately assess one’s own behaviors and skills, and the impact they have on others.
ClarkMorgan uses several assessments to reflect from different perspectives, as different learners benefit from different approaches.
Selecting the best assessment for a candidate is crucial to the success of the training or coaching program to follow.
ClarkMorgan assessments work from personality types (MBTI/DISC), identifying motivators, understanding emotional communication (EQ) and derailleurs (Hogan Assessments), or perceptions of others (Leadership Feedback 360).