Training Marketplace
All our innovation training tools based on an innovative methodology that blends an integrated suite of tools, models, and apps.
130,000 online courses
Enjoy a variety of fresh topics
Expert instruction
Find the right instructor for you
Lifetime access
Learn on your schedule
This suite includes ground-breaking psychometrics which reveal people’s dynamic personality and ignites curiosity.
It helps individuals, training center and corporates accelerate collaboration, increase creativity and problem-solving. All incredible authoring tools, as well as in depth reporting, and practitioner and corporate account can view and manage their staff and clients reports and distribution easy.
Training tools marketplace

Values Card App
800HKD / user
Values are things that we believe are truly important in the way we live and work.

Leadership Feedback 360 tool
800HKD / user
Values are things that we believe are truly important in the way we live and work.

Zoom conference tools booking
800HKD / user
Book video conferencing tool on demand with faciliator service option.

Blueprint Conference tools booking
800HKD / user
Book video conferencing tool on demand with faciliator service option.