THERE IS A LOT OF RESEARCH into measuring levels of satisfaction and engagement in the workplace. According to Kenexa, BlessingWhite and Gallup, over the last few years China has consistently ranked as one of the least engaged countries in the world. Many factors have been identified that influence workplace engagement and satisfaction, such as line managers, compensation packages, work-life balance, workplace environment, geographical location and so on. At ClarkMorgan, we believe that workplace engagement is also linked to engagement in others areas of life.
Career decisions are not always made in the best way. Pressure from family members may result in people pursuing a career that they are not really interested in. Or, as people settle down and start families, they lose the freedom and flexibility to relocate to other areas where job prospects may be better. Could this mean most people are working in jobs they don’t like?
As university students graduate and enter the real world, they may find themselves under prepared. The most successful job hunters tend to be those who can sell themselves well, a skill which tends to be ignored by education. Are the best workers not finding the best jobs? A common complaint about Chinese graduates in particular is that they lack creativity and effective communication skills, which are signs of a stifling education system. Are schools and universities producing workers that are not ready to meet the demands of real life?
So please take our Work-Life Satisfaction Survey to help us investigate how work engagement levels are also affected by other factors in your life, and look forward to our Work-Life Satisfaction Report to be released towards the end of this year.